Tuesday, 8 March 2011

I'd Lie For Only You

I'm listening to a lot of Brand New lately. They're pretty much my favorite band ever. I'd like to say there is competition, but I'd be lying. They're amazing lyrically and musically, and have such a fantastic range of songs.

I'm going to start talking about Deja Entendu, because it is probably their best known and maybe even best album. It starts off with Tautou, which I personally find to be a bit boring. However, it's really just an introductory track, so that can be forgiven.

Following that, we've got Sic Transit Gloria... Glory Fades. As far as the album goes, this is probably my least favorite song. It certainly isn't bad, but it is a bit on the boring side. Lyrically, it's alright. It's a song about someone who is having sex reluctantly and is disgusted by his actions. Still, it's catchy and certainly not bad at all.

I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light is pretty amazing. It's basically about someone who is tired of all of the touring and music, and the isolation that it brings. Ordinarily, I would say it's stupid for a band to complain about that, but you really feel what he means through the song. Also, musically it's one of my favorites. It has a really fast pace and isn't overly depressing. It also leads straight into...

Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't, which is probably my favorite song. Maybe not #1, but really close. I love the whole thing. It's actually written about the guy from Taking Back Sunday and how he stole his girlfriend and how TBS sucks. I'm not sure why I like it so much. I just find it to be really fascinating to write a song about such a thing.

I'll write more about it later. Please listen to it. You won't regret it. 

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