Friday, 5 August 2011

My Plug In Baby Crucifies My Enemies

A few days ago I saw Muse in concert and I have to say, it was unbelievably fantastic. So much so that I thought I would share my feelings on it with all of you!

Anyway, I went with Kyra and Devon. We met up with Jillian and some of her friends on the way and ate at Five Guys Burgers and Fries. If you've never been there and like burgers, I'd highly recommend it. From there we headed to the show where we met up with Austin and some of Devon's friends that I don't really know.

The opening band was Middle Class Rut, who weren't half bad for an opening band consisting of two people. They had a strong loud sound, but pretty poor lyrics and they got really repetitive. Also, one of them went on some kind of rant about how he wanted to have sex with everyone in the crowd. That was awkward. That and he said fuck a lot.

Cage The Elephant were next, who I know entirely from the opening song to Borderlands. They ended up being pretty good. I probably wouldn't bother downloading an album or anything, but they seemed to have a decent diversity of songs, a sot of energy on stage, and a generally good stage presence.

While we were waiting in between bands, the TV screens had people's messages displayed on them. Naturally, I had to try my hardest to get my ridiculous ones on there. I managed to get over 20 messages on the screen including my League Of Legends name (I started playing that, you'll get a post about it sooner or later), a Portal 2 reference, and about five stating that I love Radiohead and Thom Yorke (lead singer).

I would imagine Muse is what you've wanted to hear about, so I'll talk about them soon. They started with Exogenesis Part 1, which was a really surprising and fantastic choice, creating a really ominous and dramatic feeling. From there they went into Uprising. I don't really care for Uprising, but it certainly got the crowd going well. Next up was Map Of The Problematique, which blew me away and was a really freaking awesome choice. They followed that with Butterflies and Hurricanes which is another personal favorite and came out epic as hell live. In between almost every song, they did random instrumental jams.

It's at this point I want to mention that Matthew Bellamy obviously does not enjoy speaking to the crowd very much. I mean, he wasn't shy per say, he just rarely ever talked!

After Butterflies I believe was Supermassive Black Hole, which is a fun song and was cool to see live. It's after that that things took a very Resistance turn. As in, they played Undisclosed Desires, Resistance, United States of Eurasia, and Guiding Light. Now all of these were great live, and I like The Resistance, but Guiding Light? Really? Of all the songs they have, I wouldn't have picked Guiding Light. Oh well... I don't quite remember the order of things after that, but they played Starlight. Starlight is one of my favorite Muse songs and had an amazing laser show. They also did Time is Running Out, which I actually don't like as much as I used to, and Hysteria which was pretty powerful and awesome.

After some half-assed attempt at getting an encore cheer (they didn't even say goodbye!) they came back and FINALLY played Plug-In Baby. I freaking love that song and they did it justice, I just wish we could have got more instrumental stuff. After like five more minutes of jamming with a harmonica, they closed with Knights Of Cydonia.

Overall, it was a fantastic show. I just wish they played more older stuff, ya know?


jacob said...

lol sounds like an awesome time to bad radiohead wasnt there to let them know you love them. aha

Anonymous said...

The lasers and lights and such were just fantastic; it was hard to settle on one thing to look at for the whole time. I think they did justice to my two favorite songs (Starlight and Knights of Cydonia), mainly because Starlight had by far the best laser show and they managed to make it really powerful, and Knights because it was such a damn good closer.
Mathew Bellamy just isn't a talkative guy from what I know. He's a great, talented musician, but he's also kinda a weird dick. Like he thinks that HAARP can control the weather and other crazy stuff. But hey, he's damn good at what he does so fuck it.
This is Devon in case you are retarded.


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