Sunday, 17 July 2011

Time Is Quite The Killer When You're Left Behind

Today, I am here to talk to you about what I believe to be a perfect album that all of you should most certainly buy/download and listen to as soon as you possibly can!

Broken Bride by Ludo
If for some reason you've skimmed the caption text located directly above you, the album is Broken Bride by the band Ludo. I suppose I should start describing it, selling you on why it's perfect...

First off, it's a concept album. The whole thing is a rather cohesive and very touching story. It contains a pretty unique variety of sounds within it's five songs. It's about 30 minutes long, so it won't even take that much time for you to listen to, so no excuses!

It is also the only album to make me cry, dead serious. That being said, on to the individual tracks!

We'll start with the first and title track, Broken Bride. Immediately, we're given the rundown on our hero's situation: He's built a time machine to save his dead girlfriend's life by going back to, ya know, before she died and stopping it from happening, but he's traveled way too far back in time and ended up with dinosaurs. Hiding in a cave from the pterodactyls, he laments the futility of his efforts. It's a fun song and a great way to get you hooked on the album.

Next up is Save Our City. It's a bit confusing, as we're thrust into the Apocalypse, when zombies roam the Earth and everything is pretty much awful. It's actually kind of depressing, especially at first, when we're told of people committing suicide and generally losing hope. They're warring against a dragon and his undead army. By the end of the song (and it's a pretty long song), you'll feel inspired to take up arms yourself and fight the dragon.

The third track, Tonight's The Night, doesn't actually tell us much, but it sets up a bit of the previous story and provides a nice upbeat break between the melancholy of the previous track and the upcoming one. It's just the main character singing about how he'll save his girl with the time machine he's built (it takes place before the first track).

The Lamb And The Dragon, track four, is when shit gets real. Basically, our hero traveled forward from the time of the dinosaurs, but went too far and ended up in the end times (See! Track two wasn't pointless at all!). We learn about the war a bit more, about how the dragon's going to basically come and kill everybody through music that alternates between sounding like it came from a Renaissance fair and a heavy metal album. Our hero laments these problems, but knows he must see his girl again. He fires up the machine and...

I'm not going to spoil it here! Listen to it! I will tell you that the name of the last track is Morning In May, so you can maybe make an assumption or two, but still. It's worth every cent you will or won't pay for it.

What are you waiting for? Get to it!

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