Friday, 29 July 2011

Would It Kill Me?

As I type this, I lay on my bed doing nothing. This has been my most common location for the past three days.

I know what the few of you who clicked the damn link are thinking: "Why do I give a fuck? Who possibly cares what Andrew is doing as he types his pointless ramblings?" while the other half are already clicking off the tab and heading to the kitchen to eat, finally having found a brief respite from the otherwise non-stop stream of interesting information on the internet. For those people, I fear all hope is lost of them ever viewing my laments. For the rest of you, I ask you to read (and maybe even comment0 because you, just maybe, care enough about me to read whatever I thought was important enough to write. At the least, indulge me.

Anyway, back to where we started. It's 11:30 at night and I haven't attempted to contact anyone to find out what interesting happenstances are occurring at the moment. I could do that, or I could continue to waste away with my bag of pretzels in my room. I've got no momentum right now, no desire to do anything. This isn't just my usual laziness. I feel very... burnt out. I don't really WANT to be around others.

I was really stressed out on my birthday a few days ago (thanks for all the birthday wishes and whatnots, by the way). A few factors included my dad being an ass, as usual, a lot of people cramped around me for most of the day, heat, a lack of decent sleep, and a massive amount of stupidity when trying to form any sort of plans for the day.

Now, I wouldn't say it was a bad birthday, but it disappointed in a few ways. More importantly, I was really looking forward to it and I suppose I just didn't really get what I wanted (not materialistically here people, I'm not that bad). This, in turn, has led to me not wanting to put forth any sort of effort into making these past few days anything special.

I suppose I'm typing this now because I just want to get it out there. I mean, what does one do when they feel like this? I don't want to be "that asshole" who goes and hangs out with his friends but then just mopes and constantly claims to be alright, only to follow up by sulking in the damn corner some more. No, I'm better than that (at least I'd like to hope I am), but then what do I do? I'm tired of being in this damn room. It's hot and a mess and I don't like it.

Anyway, if that whole thing was too long for you to read, I've got a nice short summary for you
  • I'm burnt out and don't know how to deal with it.
  • You're an ass, read it.


jacob said...

I feel you 100%, and i dont know how to deal with it. but I'm there for you, which i don't know how that makes you feel cause i'm still home mopeing. But Im hear to listen and you know your there for me. And I like reading these so keep posting :)

Anonymous said...

Know thyself. How little we understand ourselves. Through this relentlessly padded message, the (im burnt out and dont know how to deal with it) is all thats necessary.

If you are looking for something new in your life. Don't expect that to happen. A man should always be exceeding his level, and if not, he should die, as he has fulfilled his life's, gift.

If your state is truly emotional (which it is) you should consult your brain, and make things better. You will most likely say, that that is just the problem. Well, make your situation better. Not like anthony, he doesnt know what he's talking about.

This requires you to actually do something (key difference from anthony)Don't just deal with it, overcome it. Man up.

Get mad. Seriously. Why are you doing this to yourself. Man up. Stop dealing with it. Fix it.

Anonymous said...

I am someone you don't know well. However, after reading this post I feel as though I can relate. I have also felt the way you express in this and how I dealt with it was letting new people into my life spending time trying new things.

I am definitely not saying to forget or abandon the old, however it is nice every once in awhile to do new things with new people. Branch out.

From what I know of you and what your friends think of you, you are a terrific person. Do not let a few bad moments bring you down to this state of emotion distress. I however do not know what is bothering you so much, so you may be reading this thinking I am a complete idiot.

But what I do know is, if you continue to put yourself in the situations that are upsetting you this way, it will only get worse unless you learn how to deal. You express that you are "burnt out and don't know how to deal with it," but I have faith that the answer is right in front of you and will present itself with time.

I wish you the best of luck in your search of happiness, Andrew.

Anonymous said...

Quit being a bitch. Get out there. Do shit. Friends you haven't seen in a while? Fuck it text/call them. Something you've been meaning to do but haven't? Fuck it go do it. Whenever I have no urge to do anything I set some random goal just to see if I can do it. That's why Devon now has a battle standard. And as you can tell this is Bishop telling you to get your shit together and stop moping around. Your going back to college in a month. Make the most out of the time you have left.

And damn you for always posting about this damn thing and me reading it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do some pushups. Do some sit ups. Run more. Lift weights. Get some exercise, lose your gut, eat healthier, drink lots of protein shakes, be a manly man, get sweaty, raise your testosterone levels. Right now bitch. Stop reading this and go running. Is it too hot out? Well sweat it out girly man; it'll make you feel better. Run till you puke. Seriously, just keep running until your body has had enough and can not take it any more. Bulk up, put on some muscle, set some goals and rip out the goals' throats. This is Devon in case you couldn't tell. Do it faggot, I dare you.

Michael Lukens said...

What's with stupid anonymous comments these days?

Anonymous said...

Lol everyone said the same thing. Just with assholesauce spread on it.

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